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Ride It

Ride It has opened its doors in Upper Montclair as New Jersey’s ONLY - DJ driven - indoor cycling studio. Imagine an indoor cycling class right smack in the middle of your favorite night club. Our classes are led by our resident DJ and instructor, Matthew Topper. Take his entertainment background and fitness experience, add state of the art lighting and sound, and you have Ride It - the ultimate indoor cycling experience. We offer a great schedule with various times that can accommodate anyone’s daily routine, along with unbeatable prices.

Business Information

Business Phone
Business Website
Business Contact Email
Upcoming Promotion(s)
Take your first class for only $1 using promo code FIRST. We are also currently offering 100 OFF the first month of our Unlimited Membership and 8 Class Membership. Use promo code 100OFF
Promotional Dates
Promotion Available until 3/31/2022